Our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) defines acceptable behaviors for using district technology for student and staff. Click on the AUP sections below for expectations for each associated user group.
These guidelines are provided so that employees are aware of the responsibilities they accept when they use District-owned computer hardware, operating system software, application software, stored text, data files, electronic mail, local databases, removable media, digitized information, communication technologies, and Internet access. In general, this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of all technology resources.
Employee Name (print): ______________________________________________
School/Location: ____________________________________________________
I have read the Employee Acceptable Use Guidelines for Lamar CISD. I agree to follow the rules contained in these guidelines. I further understand that electronic mail transmissions and other use of the electronic communications systems, including the Internet, are not private and may be monitored at any time by the District staff to ensure appropriate use, as defined by the Acceptable Use Guidelines.
I understand that violations can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Employee Signature: ________________________________________________
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District provides a variety of technology resources for educational purposes. Technology resources is defined as the District’s network (including the wireless network), servers, computer workstations, mobile technologies, peripherals, applications, databases, online resources, Internet access, email, and any other technology designated for use by students, including all new technologies as they become available. This also includes any access to the Lamar CISD electronics system while on or near school property, in school vehicles and at school-sponsored activities, and includes the appropriate use of district technology resources via off-campus remote access. Inappropriate use of the District's technology resources may result in revocation or suspension of the privilege to use these resources, as well as other disciplinary or legal action, in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws.
The following guidelines apply to all District networks, student technology accounts, email accounts, devices connected to the District's networks, and all District-owned devices used on or off school property, whether connected to the District's network or connected through a personal data plan or other means of access.
Additionally, the District prohibits bullying or harassment through electronic means regardless of the device used, the network used, or the location of use. [See District policies FFH and FFI.]
Assigned Technology Resources
You are being given access to the following technology resources:
Please note that the internet is a network of many types of communication and information networks. It is possible that you may run across areas of adult content and some material you (or your parent or guardian) might find objectionable. While the District will use filtering technology to restrict access to such material, it is not possible to absolutely prevent such access. It will be your responsibility to follow the rules for acceptable use.
If you are being issued a District-owned technology device, you will be given additional materials addressing the proper use, care, and return of these devices.
Rules for Acceptable Use:
Inappropriate Use
The following are examples of inappropriate use of technology resources that may result in loss of privileges or disciplinary action, but is not an exhaustive list:
Reporting Violations
Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools
The District recognizes the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to enhance learning experiences; however, it is important that students do not enter personal information or the personal information of others into AI tools. When utilizing AI tools, students are expected to follow the same Acceptable Use rules as referenced above for other technology resources.
It is strictly prohibited to use AI tools to plagiarize assignments. When generating ideas with AI, Lamar CISD believes in the importance of individual effort, critical thinking, and the responsible use of technology.
Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students' use of technology and fostering ethical practices. Our educators will provide clear guidelines, instruction, and support to help students understand the responsible and appropriate use of AI tools in their assignments. We emphasize the following expectations regarding the use of AI tools in student assignments:
Any violation of this policy will be addressed according to our established disciplinary procedures. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, revision of assignments, loss of academic privileges, parental involvement, or other appropriate measures deemed necessary by the school administration.
Parent Acknowledgement
I understand that my student’s use of the District's technology resources is not private and that the District may monitor their activity.
I have read the District's technology resources policy, associated administrative regulations, and this user agreement, and I agree to abide by their provisions, including the District's guidelines for responsible online behavior and use of social networking websites. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of access to the District's technology resources or other disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________
You are being given access to the District’s digital resources. Through these resources, you will be able to communicate with other schools, colleges, organizations, and people around the world through the internet. You will have access to hundreds of databases, libraries, and computer services all over the world.
With this opportunity comes responsibility. It is important that you read the District’s policy, administrative regulations, and agreement form and ask questions if you need help in under- standing them. Inappropriate system use will result in the loss of access to the District’s digital resources.
Please note that the internet is a network of many types of communication and information networks. It is possible that you may run across some material you might find objectionable. While the District will use filtering technology to restrict access to such material, it is not possible to absolutely prevent such access. It will be your responsibility to follow the rules for ap- propriate use.
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District Acceptable Use Agreement for Guest Users
I understand that my device use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on any device. Electronic mail, network usage, and all stored files will not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated District staff to ensure appropriate use.
I have read this Acceptable Use Policy for Guest Users and agree to follow the rules in this policy. In consideration for the privilege of using the District’s digital resources and in consideration for having access to the public networks, I hereby release the Lamar Consolidated Independent School District, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my use of, or inability to use, the system, including, without limitation, the type of damages identified in the District’s Use Policy for Guest Users.
Name (print): __________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________