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Police Department

Lamar CISD Police Department

Police Lamar CISD logo featuring a badge design with distinctive colors and symbols representing law enforcement.

Lamar CISD Police Department
832-223-0701 (fax) 

Chief of Police
Henry Garcia

School Safety Coordinator
Rebecca Sosa

School safety is important to everyone in Lamar CISD. As a community, we must continue to collaborate and discuss how we can continue to maintain a safe and comfortable learning environment for our students and staff.

In Lamar CISD we have security cameras and vestibules at every school and a visitor registry system to help ensure our students have a safe place to learn. Police officers are assigned to our schools to provide security, counseling and education. Emergency training and response plans are in place to make sure that students and staff know what to do in a crisis and that situations are communicated properly to the community in a timely manner.

Lamar CISD utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to simplify and standardize emergency response in our schools. The SRP is endorsed by the Texas School Safety Center and each campus is required to drill monthly for various scenarios. Visit this link to learn more about the SRP.

Emergency Communications

Safety is a priority in Lamar CISD. If there is an emergency on your child's campus, the District will communicate directly with parents via email and text message. Additionally, if there is a Districtwide emergency or school closure due to inclement weather, parents will be called and an alert banner will be posted at the top of every Lamar CISD webpage.


Campus administration will send an email and a text message immediately before conducting a drill on your child's campus. To receive emails and text alerts, please be add your contact information in Skyward Family Access and Register for an account with ParentSquare.  

Reporting an emergency:

  • Dial 911 from any phone

For non-emergency reporting:

  • Fort Bend County Dispatch Non-Emergency Number: (281) 341-4665 opt. 1
  • LCISD Crime Stoppers Tips Line: (832) 223-8477
  • 24 Hour Maintenance and Operations Hotline: (281) 924-7101

Emergency Planning

The Lamar CISD emergency preparedness protocols were developed to ensure the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors in the event of a campus disaster or other emergency situation. The resources and information contained on this webpage are a component of the Lamar CISD emergency preparedness and response efforts.

LCISD Safety and Security Committee Regular Meeting