
Disease Mitigation Guidelines

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NOTICE: The information on this page may change as directives are provided by local and state officials or as environmental conditions change. Please check back for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Fall 2020 Disease Mitigation Guidelines for Parents & Students

Student & Staff Safety Protocols for Screening & Isolation


All students and staff will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms regularly and individuals who show symptoms will be separated and sent home.

Screening Protocols UPDATED Sept. 17, 2020

  • Staff will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to reporting to work each day.

  • Parents/guardians are expected to screen their students for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their student to school:

    • Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Cough
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Fatigue
    • Headache
    • Chills
    • Sore throat
    • Congestion or runny nose
    • Shaking
    • Exaggerated shivering
    • Significant muscle pain or ache
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea or vomiting

    *If your student is exhibiting one or more of these symptoms, the student should be evaluated by their medical provider and not return to school. Nurses will continuously monitor the screening process and follow up with the parent/guardian on the health status of the students.

  • Teachers will monitor students and refer to the nurse if symptoms are present.

  • For further information and/or guidance, please refer to the section "Individuals Suspected with COVID-19."

Isolation Protocols

Student or Staff Displaying COVID-19 Symptoms

  • When a student has displayed one or more symptoms of COVID-19, the school nurse will provide a clinical assessment to determine if and when a student needs to be sent home.

  • Students who are ill will be separated from their peers and should be picked up within 30 minutes and no later than one hour from the time the campus contacted the student’s parent/guardian.

  • Other students will be removed from the classroom and taken to an alternate location on campus (e.g. go on a walk outside, move to a different classroom, etc.) so that the classroom can be disinfected.

  • District communication will be provided to the parents of students who came in contact with a COVID-19 positive student or staff member.  

  • Staff members displaying COVID-19 symptoms will follow District protocols including isolation from students and other staff members.

Protocols for Face Coverings UPDATED Aug. 9, 2020

Protective measures, including the use of face coverings, will be determined by risk level of COVID-19. The District will rely on data from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Fort Bend County Health & Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to determine the risk level and the appropriate protective measures. The risk level categories below are based on the recommendations of Fort Bend County Health & Human Services. The District will alert students, parents and staff of the weekly COVID-19 risk level and when face coverings must be worn.

Acceptable face coverings in Lamar CISD include non-medical and medical grade disposable face masks, cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth), and neck gaiters that cover the nose, mouth and neck.

Per the latest Texas Education Agency update, full-face shields may be worn in place of a mask to protect eyes, nose and mouth whenever a mask is not feasible, or whenever the education context may benefit from the ability to see an individual's full face. Recommended face shields wrap around the sides of the wearer's face and extend to below the chin.

If an employee believes they need to wear a face shield in place of another face covering, they should contact Human Resources.

If a parent has a question regarding feasibility of face coverings and the educational context in which face shields can be worn, they should contact their campus principal.

Students' individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Parents who request an accommodation will need to submit a note from a physician to the campus nurse exempting the student from wearing a face covering.

COVID-19 Risk Levels

High Risk
Mask Required

High potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19.

Moderate Risk
Mask Required

High potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19.

Low Risk
Masks Required

Frequent/close contact with people who may be infected, but who are not known to be infected.

New Normal
Mask Optional

Minimal and controlled level of COVID-19 new chains of transmission have been limited.

Protective Measures 

Face Coverings

Transmission Precautions

High Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Moderate Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Low Risk
Mask Required

Masks are required. All staff, visitors and students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings, especially when social distancing is difficult, including in classrooms

A note from a physician is required to exempt students/staff from wearing face masks

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will wear face coverings in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff at high risk of coming into contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions and excretions will utilize appropriate PPE to mitigate potential transmission

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

New Normal
Mask Optional

Masks are optional. Staff, visitors and students are encouraged to wear face coverings as feasible, especially when social distancing is difficult

School nurse will utilize appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when in close contact with an individual with COVID-19 symptoms

Students are encouraged to wear face coverings as feasible in hallways, common areas and during arrival and dismissal

Staff will practice standard universal precautions when coming into contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions

Students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms shall immediately don a face covering

Staff Expectations

  • Staff will wear face coverings during high, moderate and low COVID-19 risk levels. A note from a physician is required to exempt staff from wearing face masks.

Student Expectations UPDATED July 16, 2020

  • Students in Pre-K through 3rd grade will only wear face coverings in hallways, common areas (cafeteria, gym, restrooms, etc.) and during arrival and dismissal during high, moderate and low COVID-19 risk levels.

  • Students in 4th through 12th grade will wear face coverings during high, moderate and low transmission levels, including in the classroom.

  • Students' individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

    • Requests for accommodations will have to include a note from a physician and should be submitted to the school nurse. 

Students are required to bring two dress code approved masks/face coverings daily. One will be worn and one additional mask/face covering will be brought in a sealed/ziploc bag. Labeling of the masks with a student name is suggested. Cloth masks should be washed daily and paper masks should be discarded daily. 

Protocols for Campus Visitors


Campuses will utilize virtual meeting and electronic communication options to limit campus visitors until further notice. All visitors who enter the building will be required to wear a face covering during substantial and moderate transmission levels. Individuals who proceed beyond the reception area will follow specific guidelines for visitors, based on the District’s disease activity level protocols.

Visitor and Vendor Screening/PPE Requirements

  • All individuals entering the building will be required to wear face coverings during high, moderate and low COVID-19 risk levels.

  • Individuals proceeding beyond the reception area will be subject to the following guidelines:

    • All visitors will be subject to screening by way of a symptom screening form.

    • Virtual meetings will be available when possible.

    • Visitors and staff will maintain physical distancing for ARD and other meetings in smaller conference areas.

Protocols for Disinfecting & Hand Sanitizing


Frequent disinfection and hand sanitization will promote health and wellness of students and staff.

Hand Washing/Sanitizing Expectations

  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the main entry to the campus, in classrooms, in office areas, in the cafeteria, outside of the nurse’s clinic and in common areas throughout the campus.

  • Staff will be expected to regularly wash or sanitize their hands.

  • Requirements for hand washing and/or use of Lamar CISD-provided hand sanitizer:

    • ES: Provide hand sanitizer upon entry to classroom and periodic teacher reminders during instructional day

    • ES: Thorough hand washing after recess, before and after eating, following restroom breaks, before and after using shared supplies (i.e. technology, band instruments)

    • MS/HS: Provide hand sanitizer upon entry to classroom and periodic teacher reminders during instructional day

    • MS/HS: Thorough hand washing upon return from outdoors, before and after eating, following restroom breaks, before and after using shared supplies (i.e. technology, instruments)

Disinfecting Expectations

  • Staff will have access to disinfectant wipes to sanitize high-touch and working surfaces and shared objects regularly.

  • Staff will limit the use of shared supplies when possible.

Protocols for Campus Cleaning & Disinfecting


Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will promote a healthy learning and work environment for students and staff.

Daily Campus Cleaning

  • Each classroom and restroom will be disinfected daily.

  • All high touch areas will be disinfected daily.

  • Custodians will wear masks and gloves when performing job-related duties.

  • The cafeteria tables will be cleaned between lunch periods.

  • Staff will have access to disinfectant wipes to sanitize working surfaces and shared objects after each use and during breaks in instruction.

Additional Cleaning Measures for COVID-19 Positive Cases on Campus

  • If a classroom or facility is closed due to COVID-19 spread, quaternary (hospital grade) disinfectant, which is recommended for use on the virus that causes COVID-19, will be used to disinfect.

  • Maintenance and Operations staff will disinfect and sanitize classrooms, restrooms, athletic facilities and all additional areas in the building.

Additional Measures for Disease Mitigation


Additional measures will be taken on campuses to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Additional Campus Measures

  • Desks or tables will be arranged to minimize contact and support social distancing.

  • When possible, communal supplies will be eliminated. Shared supplies should be sanitized between use.

  • Multiple locations of hand sanitizer, tissues and trash cans will be available in several locations throughout classrooms and common areas to limit student and staff movement.

  • Each room will have the door propped open between class changes for no-touch entry.

  • High touch surfaces (i.e. tabletops, chairs, door handles) will be disinfected regularly.

  • For middle school and high school, lockers will not be assigned — students will carry all needed materials and lunch with them.

  • Students will be encouraged to bring water bottles to school for their personal use.

  • Additional guidelines can be found in campus-level documents.

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