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About Lamar CISD

Learn About Lamar CISD

Lamar CISD remains a great place to raise a family. Campuses are designed with smaller enrollments (high schools are designed for no more than 2,000 students) to provide more opportunities for students to assume leadership roles and participate in campus activities. Lamar CISD also has sixth-grade-only campuses (middle schools) that focus on the needs of pre-adolescents, providing a smooth transition to secondary schools.

Lamar CISD is proud to be an HEB Excellence in Education Large District finalist and home to National Principals of the Year, Gates Millennium Scholars, National Blue Ribbon Schools, Rodeo Art Grand Champions, and State Athletic Championships. Lamar CISD is a member of the comptroller's Honors Circle for financial and academic excellence. Over the past 15 years, it has passed four bond referendums while maintaining one of the lowest tax rates in the Houston area.

Mission Statement

To educate all students by ensuring access to a superior education through inspired leadership among parents, teachers, administrators, and staff, allowing students to achieve their full potential to participate in future social, economic and educational opportunities in their community.

Lamar CISD Legislative Priorities

In March 2025, Lamar CISD Board and Cabinet members traveled to Austin to meet with lawmakers and present the district's Legislative Priorities to elected officials participating in the 89th Texas Legislature. The district’s current priorities focus on four key advocacy points.

  • Revise Bond Language for Hyper-Growth Districts 
  • Designate Schools as Critical Infrastructure 
  • Increase the Basic Allotment 
  • Enrollment-Driven Funding 

Learn more about each of these key advocacy points:
Lamar CISD Legislative Priorities

To determine your elected officials, please visit the state’s official Who Represents Me? 

More Information