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Advanced Academics

Advanced Academics


*Director of Advanced Academics & Career Readiness
Monica Baines

*College and Career Coordinator
Anthony Yim

*Advanced Academics Coordinator
Amber Boston

*Administrative Assistant
Magaly “Maggie” Trevino


Parent Information
Click the button below to refer your student for GT screening.

Navy blue rectangle with the white text "GT SCREENING REFERRAL" in capital letters.

24-25 GT Parent Referral Flyer Spanish

Aug 21, 2024, 16:24 by Anthony Yim
Download (pdf) 3387 KB
Click the button below for information regarding the CogAT GT test.



Service Cord Guidelines- Updated 12.16

Teacher Information

AP Student Sign In Sheet
PDF, 321.89 KB
GT and AP Pre-AP Training
PDF, 33.68 KB
GT and AP Credit Form
PDF, 280.43 KB

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Latest News

HCU GAP Program

Pursuing a college education at Houston Christian University just became easier with the launch of the Guaranteed Admission Program, known as GAP.  Established in the fall 2024 semester, HCU is forging relationships with partnering educational institutions to provide students with guaranteed admission to the University.

Currently, the program enables qualifying students at Alief, Fort Bend, Katy and Lamar Consolidated independent school districts and YES Prep Public Schools with a 3.0 GPA to now bypass the traditional admissions process to be enrolled automatically at HCU.



National Merit Scholarships

In Fall 2024, we recognized three seniors who were selected as National Merit Semifinalists, and we are proud to share that the same group of three has advanced to become National Merit Scholar Finalists. Each scholar now stands to earn coveted National Merit Scholarships, institutional awards, prestigious corporate scholarships, and financial aid packages. This is a tremendous honor for Lamar CISD and a testament to the rigor of our college and career readiness programs and opportunities.

All finalists were first dubbed semifinalists earlier this school year. After that, the students and a high school official submitted a detailed scholarship application providing information about academic records, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards. The student must also have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, write an essay, and earn SAT or ACT scores that confirm earlier performance on the qualifying test.


Foster HS

Michael Huckman


George Ranch HS

Parker Blacklock


Lamar Consolidated HS

Chase Cheng

Contact Information

Director of Advanced Academics & Career Readiness
Monica Baines

Advanced Academics Coordinator
Amber Boston

College and Career Coordinator
Anthony Yim

Administrative Assistant
Magaly Trevino


To provide opportunities for all students to demonstrate college readiness and earn college credit through an array of courses, assessments, programs, services, and supports.