Exams are rigorous, relevant, and developed by certified teachers.
Exams are aligned with TEKS and allow students to demonstrate mastery of material.
Exams allow students to take courses at their academic level.
Exams can assist in early graduation.
Credit by Exam for students seeking grade advancement from Kindergarten through Grade Eight is available during August, October, January and April -- specific windows are listed in the district testing calendars. Campus principals must approve students to be tested. Per state and local policies, students must be tested in the following areas and achieve the indicated level of mastery:
- To advance from Kindergarten, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Math and Reading.
- To advance a grade level in Grades 1-8, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading.
Credit by Exam for students seeking high school credit is administered four times each academic year August, October, January, and April. Specific windows are posted on the district testing calendar. Per state law, students needing to gain high school credit must follow the below criteria:
- To receive credit for a course that a student has not previously taken, a student must earn a 80% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.
- To receive credit for a course that a student has previously taken, a student must earn a 70% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.
Exams will be ordered and administered by the campus that the student attends. For more information, please contact your school counselor or the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.
All Credit by Exam assessments are administered in an online format.
Credit by Exam for students seeking grade advancement from Kindergarten through Grade Eight is available during August, October, January and April -- specific windows are listed in the district testing calendars. Campus principals must approve students to be tested. Per state and local policies, students must be tested in the following areas and achieve the indicated level of mastery:
- To advance from Kindergarten, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Math and Reading.
- To advance a grade level in Grades 1-8, a student must answer a minimum of 80% questions correct on individual criterion-referenced assessments in Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading.
Credit by Exam for students seeking high school credit is administered four times each academic year August, October, January, and April. Specific windows are posted on the district testing calendar. Per state law, students needing to gain high school credit must follow the below criteria:
- To receive credit for a course that a student has not previously taken, a student must earn a 80% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.
- To receive credit for a course that a student has previously taken, a student must earn a 70% or higher on an exam from either the University of Texas or Texas Tech University.
Exams will be ordered and administered by the campus that the student attends. For more information, please contact your school counselor or the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.
All Credit by Exam assessments are administered in an online format.
Click on the buttons below to find out when the testing windows are in Lamar CISD. Please note: campuses are not testing every day during the window listed on the calendar.
Our department orders Credit by Exam assessments from the University of Texas and Texas Tech. The subject of the test determines the vendor.
The following tests come from Texas Tech:
The following tests come from the University of Texas:
Study guides are available for students to use as they prepare for testing.