

Mission Statement

To provide all students with critical thinking skills through active participation in scientific experiences involving descriptive, comparative, and experimental investigations. Investigations consist of; using inquiry methods, analysis of information, planning safely, implementing classroom and outdoor investigations, addressing vocabulary, analysis and communication of data, making informed decisions, using tools to collect and record information, and addressing major concepts to address learning in the 21st Century.

District Elementary Science Coordinator
Stacie Quarles
[email protected]

District Elementary Science Specialist
John Cuellar
[email protected]

District Secondary Science Coordinator
Michael Harvey
[email protected]

District Secondary Science Specialist
Janie Head
[email protected]

Science Graduate Profile

Lamar Consolidated ISD is committed to successfully educating all students in scientific areas so that each student has the characteristics that enable him/her to become a productive member of society.

Upon graduation, the students will:

  • Understand and use scientific inquiry about the natural world by generating questions, formulating hypotheses, designing and conducting experiments, making systematic observations, using critical thinking and scientific problem-solving, interpreting and analyzing data to draw conclusions.
  • Demonstrate research skills using scientific literature, technology, and reference materials to provide explanations of science's vast body of changing and increasing knowledge as described by scientific theories and principles.
  • Understand and use measurement to investigate, understand, communicate, and apply interrelated concepts of math and science to the real world.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the human body for physical, medical, and social reasons.
  • Understand that systems are a collection of cycles, structures, and processes that have properties that interact in patterns which lead to predictions of what will happen next and possible changes over time.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of environmental and ecological concerns by realizing the roles of both human activities and natural events in the altering of Earth's systems.
  • Understand how chemistry is an integral part of our daily lives through knowledge of characteristics of matter and energy transformations during physical and chemical changes and reactions.
  • Communicate mathematical and scientific ideas in a variety of ways with skills including, but not limited to, oral expression, writing, conceptual models, and the use of technological tools.



The Lamar CISD Science Curriculum is aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and course descriptions are defined by the state. Please visit the link below to visit the Texas Education Agency’s site dedicated to curriculum.

Texas Education Agency Curriculum


Science Starters A comprehensive science program providing a 10 minute daily review of tested objectives in a clear and concise multimedia presentation for whole-class instruction. This program is based on brain research, and designed using the 5-E instructional model. This program provides students an opportunity to question, analyze, and apply new information. This program is implemented at all secondary campuses and targeted elementary campuses.

5E Model of Instruction This instructional model provides an effective approach that connects current knowledge to new ideas, and provides a framework for planning hands-on, inquiry based instruction. The five phases of instruction include Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

Technology Integration Technology, such as probe ware, interactive whiteboards, computer programs, and response systems, are integrated in the K-12 curriculum.

Differentiation Teachers strive to reach all learners in their classrooms through the use of best practices such as effective questioning, small group instruction, and hands-on activities.

English Language Proficiency Standards As stated in Chapter 74 of the education code, English Language Learners (ELLs) "must acquire both social and academic language proficiency in English". The specialists will work with teachers to guide a full and successful implementation of all the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).

Academic Vocabulary Acquisition The words and language being used in a classroom for the purpose of acquiring new learning and skills is known as the "Academic Vocabulary". Being able to understand and processing these new words is directly related to the level of content knowledge a student achieves. Varied methods of delivery / instruction and the assessment of student success is the focus of this initiative.

Staff Development

Science staff development supports the District’s and the Curriculum Department’s vision by equipping teachers with hands-on, inquiry based instruction. Staff development opportunities equip teachers with best practices through research, and support classroom instruction with resources and training to meet the needs of all learners.

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