
Social Studies

Mission Statement

To promote knowledge of the social studies as well as social and communication skills in a way that develops proficiency in informed decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking so that graduates will be active participants in work, civic, and family responsibilities of a democratic society

Social Studies Coordinator
Lisa Koehl
[email protected]

Secondary Social Studies Specialist
Melissa Marvin
[email protected]

Administrative Assistants to Elementary
and Secondary Coordinators
Heather Cornejo
[email protected]

Diane Zepeda
[email protected]

Social Studies Graduate Profile

Lamar Consolidated I.S.D. is committed to providing a social studies education for all students so that, as graduates, they will use the necessary knowledge and skills for the informed decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking required for active and responsible participation in our democratic society.

Upon graduation, our students will:

  • Respect diversity through an understanding of varied cultures and through interaction with different groups in their community.
  • Use maps and other geography tools to understand the interdependence of the physical and human worlds in which they live.
  • Understand their historical roots and locate themselves in time.
  • Assume responsibilities of active and competent citizens with an understanding of government and its role in society.
  • Apply economic concepts and reasoning to understand public issues and to make personal economic plans and decisions as responsible consumers and quality producers.
  • Seek information and use communication skills to reflect upon current events, to solve problems in their personal and professional lives, and to extend social studies learning as adults.



The Lamar CISD goal for social studies instruction is to provide curriculum that prepares students for responsibilities in, and success during the 21st century through active participation in the democratic and free enterprise systems. LCISD Social Studies Curriculum is aligned to the state mandated curriculum found in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.


Differentiation - Teachers strive to reach all learners in their classrooms through the use of best practices such as effective questioning, small group instruction, and hands-on activities.

Horizontal and Vertical Alignment - Horizontal and Vertical alignment of the curriculum helps students and teachers in making stronger connections to both past lessons and personal experiences with the topic. Through these lasting connections students will achieve a deeper understanding and greater academic success. The new Social Studies TEKS (Texas Essential of Knowledge and Skills) will require LCISD to undergo changes in the vertical and horizontal alignment of the written curriculum.

English Language Proficiency Standards - As stated in Chapter 74 of the education code, English Language Learners (ELLs) "must acquire both social and academic language proficiency in English". The specialists will work with teachers to guide a full and successful implementation of all the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS).

Academic Vocabulary Acquisition - The words and language being used in a classroom for the purpose of acquiring new learning and skills is known as the "Academic Vocabulary". Being able to understand and processing these new words is directly related to the level of content knowledge a student achieves. Varied methods of delivery / instruction and the assessment of student success is the focus of this initiative.

History Alive - History Alive is a unique K–12 social studies program created by teachers, for teachers. History Alive is different. The program recognizes that every student learns differently and all students benefit from learning in multiple ways. That is why each of the K–12 programs is based on a series of instructional practices that allow students of all abilities to experience and learn key social studies concepts.

DBQ Project - The DBQ Project believes that all students can develop high-level critical thinking skills with consistent instruction and a chance to practice. The engaging questions and use of primary and secondary sources give students the opportunity to investigate history from a variety of perspectives. The project supports discussion and debate as students clarify their own ideas and write evidence-based arguments.

Staff Development

Social Studies staff development supports the District’s and the Curriculum Department’s vision by equipping teachers with best practices through research, raising awareness about differentiation, and supporting classroom instruction with resources and training.

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