


Goal 1 Cultural and Linguistic Equity

  • Students have equitable access to a high-quality curriculum and educational resources in both program languages in order to thrive.

  • An inclusive learning environment is established in which linguistic and cultural groups are valued and respected as equals.

Goal 2 High Levels of Academic Achievement in Both Program Languages

  • Students master and exceed grade-level academic achievement and proficiency in both languages in all content areas.

  • Evidence-based program design includes intentional allocation of instruction in each language, explicit attention to developing metalinguistic awareness, sheltered instruction, and integration of content and language standards.


Goal 3 Bilingualism and Biliteracy

  • Bilingual students are proficient in listening and speaking in both program languages.

  • Biliterate students have the skills to listen, speak, read, and write at an academically proficient level in two languages.

Goal 4 Socio-Cultural Competence

  • Socio-cultural awareness and academic integration are student-centered to foster positive attitudes towards diverse cultures in order to benefit their future role in the global society and labor market.

  • Stakeholders embrace the value of multilingual perspectives and cultural diversity. 

Bilingual Program Offered in LCISD

One Way Dual Language Immersion Program

A bilingual/biliteracy program model in which students identified as English learners are served in both English and another language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria in order to be successful in English-only instruction not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school.

The goal of one-way dual language immersion is for program participants to attain full proficiency in another language as well as English.

Bilingual Education Information

What are the benefits of bilingual education?

Academic instruction is provided by teachers who-

  • are proficient in the primary language of your child, as well as English; and
  • are trained in second language acquisition methods and how to adapt instruction to meet your child's specific language needs.

Research indicates that children who participate in a bilingual education program-

  • build on a literacy foundation in their primary language to acquire stronger cognitive and academic skills in English;
  • are more likely to develop a bicultural identity, become biliterate, and have higher self-esteem; and
  • may use their bilingual skills to access competitive job opportunities in a global world.

What instruction will my child receive in a bilingual education program?

  • Your child will develop language and literacy skills in his/her primary language and English.
  • He/she will develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English through the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) in conjunction with grade-level academic instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for all content areas.
  • Instruction shall be designed to consider your child's unique learning experiences, instill a positive identity, and honor your child's culture and experiences.

How can parents support their child who participates in a bilingual education program?

  • Parents can support their child's language acquisition in two languages by providing opportunities at home to practice their primary language and English. By doing this, parents will continue the efforts of language development at home and supports what research consistently shows to benefit the positive transfer of skills from one language to another.

Some examples of parent activities to support English language acquisition include-

  • reading and engaging in conversations with your child in your primary language, and English, to support the development of your child's oral language and literacy skills; and
  • providing him/her a place to study and showing interest in his/her schoolwork.

Can a child who is also receiving other services participate in a bilingual education program?

  • Yes, students who receive services in other programs, such as special education, 504, response to intervention, and gifted/talented or advanced academics, may also participate in the bilingual education program.
  • The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), in conjunction with other student service committees, meets to discuss and coordinate services based on the educational need of your child.
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